This is the first post of my 'Basic Bitch Starter Pack' series. We'll start in every basic's favourite place, their princess boudoir.
It's really important to have a special space you like to spend time and relax in. Especially if you live in a flat or share house. Your bedroom should be like a little retreat, with pretty lighting, restful vibes and be somewhere you enjoying spending time.
Can you even call yourself a basic bitch if you don't have the following? There are certain things every basic b needs in their bedroom. Here are the things you need to take your bedroom from a boring zero to basic b hero.
The more the better. Ecoya, Glasshouse, whatever you can get your pretty little mitts on. If you're wanting scented, go for good quality so they don't smell like something you clean your toilet with. And be careful not to light your peace lily on fire.
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon
Some may say we're entering hippie territory but every new age basic b has one of these bad boys in their sacred space. Not only are Himalayan salt lamps super pretty and zen, they have a number of benefits. They purify the air, reduce airborne infections, ease asthma and allergy symptoms, they are a mood booster and help you sleep. PSA: make sure you turn your lamp on every day or else they leak and can cause corroding on surfaces.
My bedside table with all the holistic goodness. Himalayan salt lamp, oil diffuser, crystals, goddess cards, a stack of books and a cup of herbal tea
Photo by Lena Orwig
Indoor plants have always been a decor thing, but we've seen a resurgence of them into living spaces thanks to Instagram. There are certain plants a basic b must own. I recommend starting with a peace lily. They're super easy to look after and they improve air quality. I call peace lilies a gateway plant because since getting one I ended up investing in a Monstera, Snakeplant and I really had to question myself when I spent $100 on a Fiddle Leaf Fig. But honestly my plant babies make me happy, I'm proud that I manage to keep them alive, when I struggled to keep a pot of herbs alive on the kitchen bench, My room is becoming a jungle and I am a fan.
Well on the way to jungle bedroom goals. As long as a bug doesn't fall in my mouth while I'm sleeping, we're good. Photo by Plant Mama
It's all about that mood lighting. Fairy lights create a magical ambience for a basic b just chilling out on her white waffle duvet covered bed, watching the latest episode of Riverdale on Netflix while eating Ubereats. I've described our life right?
If you haven't got a diffuser in your life, you really need to treat yourself. Gone are the days of burning essential oils in a ceramic oil burner with a tea light candle. Plug in diffusers are all the rage. They're super easy to use, fill them up with water, put a few drops of your essential oils in them and goodness me your room will smell delightful in no time. Make sure you use really good quality oils so you don't poison yourself with toxic crap.
Photo by @maryellenskye
We're stepping into holistic territory again but Shakti Mat's are one of the 'it'products right now. The Shakti Mat is an ancient Indian and Swedish tool. It's covered in thousands of plastic acupressure spikes. These spikey little things support sleep, relaxation, support muscles, circulation and headaches. They enable your body to release endorphins (cue the Legally Blonde 'Endorphins make your happy and happy people don't shoot their husbands' reference ).You can lie down or stand on it to also stimulate the release of oxytocin, the feel good hormone.
Just a chilled out little basic lying on her Skakti
Photo by Fabian Møller
Let me tell you, from one basic to another, we just love a neon sign don't we. The things dreams are made of, they look so cool. and really stand out. I'm obsessed with them. I've spotted a few shops/ sites that stock some super cool neon signs, but for a basic looking for a bargain, treat yourself to a neon pink flamingo lamp from Kmart. I think mine was $22 and it's one of my favourite things EVER.
Every basic b loves a trip to Kmart. You go in for the $3 socks, make-up wipes and coat hangers (because well you have a slight online shopping addiction and the packages just keep turning up on your desk at work, when you really can't afford this life ami right?!). And you come out with a trolley full of stuff you didn't even know you needed. If you're wanting to deck your room out on a budget (and find some super cool stuff) Kmart is the place to go. Before you know it your space will be looking like a Kmart catalogue #guilty. Looking around my room right now I can spot an ottoman, two light pink sheepskin style rugs (if it's not baby pink put it back, a direct quote from my friend Elly), cushions (a basic needs LOTS of cushions), bedside tables, lamps, a round wall mirror (which by the way one night woke me up with the fright of my life when it fell off my wall at 2am and shattered across my room, clearly my DIY skills rule). I've also have lots of cute nick-nacks and a chair with a sequined cushion. Every basic b needs a chair in their bedroom, which you basically end up using to drape clothes on, I'm pretty sure I've never actually sat on mine.
The basic b chair you will never sit on. Looks cute but not gonna lie my flatmates kindly put it together, it was no easy kit-set operation, even if you've battled your way through an apartment full of Ikea kit-set furniture
Faux fur rug from Kmart. These look super cute, I have two in my room on either side of my bed and goodness me they feel lovely between your toes when you're doing your hair in front of the mirror
This was the first post in my 'Basic Bitch Starter Pack' series. Still to come: The things every basic b needs in her hair and make-up kit, accessory collection and wardrobe, activities, hobbies, food and more (cos let's be honest it's a way of life) will be coming to the blog soon.