The things I get asked about the most are manifesting, moon cycles and crystals. I've found this really interesting because I thought most people would find this sort of thing weird, so it's not something I've really talked about. But they are all pretty big parts of my life and have been for a long time.
Believe it or not, you can make super cool things happen and come into your life. We're more powerful than we realise. Heard of The Secret? It was all the rage in late 2006/2007. I bet your Mum and your Aunties were all about it. It's even on Netflix now. Look it up. I've made vision boards and written down my goals like a lot of us have since I was younger, but over the last couple of years I have actively manifested each month and it can be quite surreal seeing things you've written down and put out there actually happen, things you might have thought would never happen in your wildest dreams. MATE YA DREAMING. Well dream big angels! I will take you through my step by step process of how to manifest soon.
Photo by Ganapathy Kumar
I don't know about you but I've had a thing for the moon for as long as I can remember, Growing up forty minutes north of Wellington, New Zealand, we were often travelling back from family get-togethers at night time and I remember staring at the moon the whole car ride home. I'll admit I used to think it was moving, but no turns out that was the car (silly Belly). I've even got a tattoo of the moon on my arm. I call it my moonie. My favourite moon phase is the little cute crescent moon. Shit it's cute. The moon plays an important role in manifesting and releasing things we no longer need in our lives. I mean this is all fairly spiritual stuff, but on a physical level the moon controls a lot of things on earth, like the tides and our periods (I ALWAYS get mine with the full moon, soz TMI but I've always found that quite interesting. Definitely a an extra moody moon child) so it's not hard to fathom that it plays a big role in our lives. I think it's quite humbling to look up at the moon and realise we are just a teeny tiny sparkle in this giant plant and universe. It literally brings you back to earth and makes you realise how lucky we are to be here.
The new moon is a time of new beginnings. Holistic and spiritual experts say the new moon phase is an optimal time for setting your intentions and manifesting. Holistic practitioners I've seen encourage you to 'raise your vibration' I'm like what does that even mean? I've found it's best to clear your mind and ground yourself before you start this process.
Clear your mind. For me the best way to do this is to go for a walk, ideally on the beach. No music, no talking, just listening to the sounds around you. Walk on the sand or stand outside in the grass in bare feet to ground yourself and connect with the earth. (Told you I'm into some hippie shit)
Set up a nice space for yourself. Light a candle, put some essential oils in your diffuser, turn on your Himalayan salt lamp and hang out with your crystals. Calming meditation music helps to set the mood
Write down the things you want to bring into your life. Don't put limits on it it could be anything. Maybe you really want to secure your dream job, the relationship of your dreams or buy a house (and you live in Auckland so they're literally millions of dollars so you pretty much need a miracle please moonie). Make a list of your intentions. Get it all down on paper
Spend some time thinking about your intentions. What do they look and feel like? Then send them out to the universe
Do a meditation. There are so many guided meditations on Youtube. I've made a playlist of my favourite ones which you can find here
Ideally listen to a new moon manifesting meditation while you go to sleep
The next new moon is on: 27th November at 4.05am
During a full moon the moon and the sun are on opposite sides of the zodiac, which explains the challenging and intense energy some of us sensitive babes may feel. You may feel a little strange around the full moon. Sometimes old thoughts or feels may come up for you, just know whatever comes up for you has arisen so it can be released and you will heaps better soon, I promise. No rain, no pretty flowers.
The full moon is the best time to release and let go of anything that no longer serves you. This could literally anything. Relationships, thoughts, feelings, jobs etc. If it's not meant to be in your life anymore or you don't want something to be in your life anymore this is your time to let it go. The full moon represents endings, so you may notice relationships may end around this time. Just know and trust everything will be ok, it's happened at this time as it no longer serves you and needs to be gone! Think of it as clearing energy space to let some magic come in. If you're a teary little heart broken angel right now, read how to get through it in my blog 'How to get through a break-up like a boss babe'.
Start with a grounding walk or simply stand outside with your feet in the earth and look up at the sky
Set up your special space I went into detail with above in my 'New Moon Manifesting Guide' but this time put sage essential oil in your diffuser or use a sage stick. Native American tribes used sage for healing, clearing space and smudging. This is a ritual which cleans your space/house on a spiritual level
Write down all of the things you want to let go of and release. I created this which you can use to get you started, then fill it out with the relevant details for you:
I let go of anything that no longer serves me and my highest good
I let go of thoughts that no longer serve me
I let go of feelings that no longer serve me
I let go of habits that no longer serve me
I let go of relationships that no longer serve me
I let go of fear that no longer serves me
I let go of anxiety that no longer serves me
I let go of sadness that no longer serves me
I let go and release all of these things to the universe to take care of and guide meSome people like to burn their releasing list, personally I'm paranoid I'm going to start a fire so I don't. I do use a sage stick or my diffuser at the end of my practise to clear the energy and my space.
End your full moon ritual with a meditation. I feel like when you drift off to sleep more of the releasing happens and it really sets in.
The next full moon is on: 12th December 6.12pm
The full moon is the best time to clean your crystals. This helps to clear and release built up energy and charge your crystals with positive vibes and manifestations. I was taught ten years ago to clean my crystals in salt water and then put them outside or on your windowsill under the new moon light to charge them up with magical goodness.
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon
The better your well-being and your vibe are the better you are able to manifest. If you're in a bad head space or your health is crap I've found (through being there myself) you're not able to manifest as well, it's all a bit scattered. Get your vibe better by improving your self-care, which I covered in my post 'This one is for the girls (boys you can read it too)'. Since making self-care my priority I've been able to manifest a lot faster, sometimes things start happening within a day. Like this one time I manifested for some decent d and what do you think showed up in no time? I promise I actually manifest proper stuff. My holistic therapist is often quite impressed (not with my d manifesting, promise that's not like a regular thing, ok I'll stop now, I'm digging myself a (d) hole). In all seriousness I once manifested work opportunities and within days they started popping up for me. IT WORKS OK, TRUST ME. I used to think it was weird too.
Your vibe attracts and controls a lot of things in your life. We are drawn to happy, fun, positive people. No one wants to be around negative people right? If you look back at the happiest times in your life, it's usually because your vibe was super positive. You were carefree and at ease. When your vibe is great then things can flow easily into and out of your life.
Photo by Scott Rodgerson
Manifesting is great but you can't expect to write things down and for it to just happen without putting in the ground work. I mean it's not like you can buy a house without actually saving for a deposit (SEE YA avocado on toast) and you can't expect to get your dream job without training in your chosen field or meeting the right contacts. Of course sometimes things will just happen and when it does you will know what I mean. Make action plans, write down your to do list, GET SHIT DONE! What do you need to do in order to achieve what you're after? Make it happen! It all begins with you and your magical powers. You are more powerful than you realise, so get it girl.
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”